Best Acupuncture Center Roma Near Me

Dott. Zhang Jianmin - Agopuntura, Fitoterapia e Medicina Cinese 国医堂 Jiada Srl - Erboristeria cinese Dott.ssa Federica Quintarelli Osteopata e Fisioterapista a Roma - Dott. Emanuele Luciani S.I.M.O.H. Scuola Italiana di Medicina Omeopatica Hahnemanniana Onlus Zem Yoga Studio Roma ARTOI Associazione Ricerca Terapie Oncologiche Integrate S.T.V. Societa' Per La Tutela Della Visione Arl MedinAction John Cabot University Guarini Campus University of Rome Aletheia srl

1. Dott. Zhang Jianmin - Agopuntura, Fitoterapia e Medicina Cinese - Municipio Roma V

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Via Raimondo Montecuccoli, 13/c, 00176 Roma RM, Italy

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Dott. Zhang Jianmin - Agopuntura, Fitoterapia e Medicina Cinese: what do users think?

Sbruffallora Zemibecchi: Prima di conoscere il dott. Zhang Jianmin ero disperata: mio marito ha sofferto di una terribile cefalea che non lo faceva dormire da 2 settimane. Dove gli antidolorifici, i neurologi e gli osteopati hanno fallito, il dottore è riuscito. Finalmente siamo usciti dall'incubo e non potremmo essergli più grati.Mi preme sottolineare che il dottore parla bene italiano ed è molto attento nell'ascolto, dando ampio spazio al paziente di raccontarsi.Grazie dottore!

Monte Cervino: Ho iniziato ad andare dal Dottor Zhang perché mio nonno era in cura da lui e si trovava molto bene. In questi anni mi sono rivolto a lui per i problemi più disparati: da dermatiti a contratture muscolari, da fastidi intestinali a piccole forme di ansia. Ogni volta il suo intervento è stato efficace e necessario. Stimo molto il dottore e ho piena fiducia nel suo trattamento.

Samantha Sommavil: Competente e Bravissimo!

Valentyna Kostetska: Ho trovato soluzione alternativa al Botox dal dott.Zhang Gianmin.Gli ho confidato miei preoccupazioni per primi segni di invecchiamento ,malgrado abbia ancora 34 anni purtroppo avevo due profonde rughe sulla fronte sopra il naso, che mi avevano spinto ad orientarmi verso odioso trattamento di Botox, ma lui mi piacevolmente distolto da tale brutta pratica, effettuando sedute estetiche di agopuntura viso,che giudico miracolose in quanto mi sono completamente sparite le rughe, autoconvincendomi ad effetuare altre sedute di agopuntura in altre parti del viso, ottenendo altri ottimi risultati ad un prezzo veramente onesto, che mi hanno portato a questa recensione al fine di poter fare usufruire a chi lo desidera delle egregie prestazioni mediche del dott.Zhang Jianmin. ....."una persona felice "

Roxana Covrig: Dott. Zhang Jianmin e bravissimo anche nell curare le rughe.. Lo consiglio 💪👍👍👍

kostia troini: Grazie all'agopuntura con il dottor Zhang Jianmin sta migliorando un mio annoso problema che stava diventando serio. Dopo anni di antibiotici, cortisonici & co peggioravo e la medicina occidentale aveva da propormi solo una dolorosa e invasiva operazione, dalle dubbie conseguenze. Inoltre il dottore mi aiuta contro altre patologie, tra le quali una feroce cefalea. Lo consiglio per la professionalità, la delicatezza, la disponibilità e la tranquillità.

Giovanni Ranzo (Tenzin Dawa): Medico eccezionale, di grande capacità e competenza. Uno dei migliori agopunturisti di Roma. E persino il prezzo è decisamente accessibile.

Patrizia Rotella: Medico straordinario e persona squisita. Consigliatissimo!

Eugenio Labozzetta: Lo consiglio! Bravissimo e professionale.

Erboristeria Barberini L'erbolario: Lo consigliamo!

Paola Bedetti: Sono ricorsa all' agopuntura con il Dott. Zhang dopo svariate terapie farmacologiche, tutte senza risultato, per una cefalea di grado severo non muscolo tensiva ma circolatoria. Sono alla quinta seduta e devo dire che sto già sentendo la differenza.

carola m. dolci: Un medico dall'animo gentile e dall'ascolto generoso, orientato ai fatti e alla persona nel suo complesso. Capace di mediare con la cultura italiana. Consiglio la sua professionalità e sensibilità

Daniela Di Donato: Molto bravo e delicato. Ho risolto la mia dismenorrea! La quinta stella però non posso darla perché il prezzo è un po' alto.... Ho qualche altra piccola patologia da non so se potrò permettermelo.....peccato

vincenzo barbone: Dott Zhang uomo onesto e preparato ,lo consiglio,

2. 国医堂 Jiada Srl - Erboristeria cinese - Municipio Roma I



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Via Buonarroti, 27, 00185 Roma RM, Italy

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国医堂 Jiada Srl - Erboristeria cinese: what do users think?

MegaDrive Today: La considero la migliore a Roma, c'è una buona varietà di formule erboristiche della tradizione cinese e materie prime di qualità. Quando voglio andare sul sicuro vado sempre qua.

giulio he: farmacia cinese

Yuncheng Zhao: Some commonly used Chinese medicines helped me a lot, very good pharmacy

bin he: There is a complete range of Chinese medicine items, and the Chinese herbal medicine powder is very convenient to take, and the efficacy is also very good

ROSANNA BENEDUCE: Quite stocked.If only he understood Italian better

3. Bianalisi - Fisiomedical - Ostiense

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Via dell'Accademia Peloritana, 43, 00147 Roma RM, Italy

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Bianalisi - Fisiomedical: what do users think?

Rossella D'Onofrio: Sto completando un lungo e complesso percorso di riabilitazione motoria, a seguito di brutta caduta sulla neve, con rottura praticamente di tutti i legamenti del ginocchio sinistro. Operata l'8 marzo, dopo 90 giorni sono tornata a camminare sulle mie gambe cosa che didperavo potesse ancora accadere. Un grazie sentito alla mia eccellente fisioterapista Elisa che ho avuto il piacere di incontrare in questa struttura. Mi ha seguito con professionalità, competenza e determinazione, elementi indispensabili per uscire fuori da una situazione grave come la mia. Struttura quindi consigliatissima.Una menzione doverosa anche per la cordialità, cortesia e attenzione di tutto il personale della reception.

Giovanna Sarti: Studio molto professionale e personale di grande competenza, sono rimasta entusiasta per la risoluzione di problemi al piede dolorosamente presenti da più di due anni, con onde d'urto e kinesiterapia veramente risolutivi. Lo consiglio a chiunque ne abbia bisogno .

Alain Monaco: Mi sono operato al menisco, sono stato seguito dalla fisioterapista Francesca, ed é stata molto attenta nella cura del mio ginocchio. Consiglio a tutti questo centro.

Manuela Chiaventi: Grande professionalità, serietà, pazienza, efficienza; persone con grande umanità. Tutti dalle segretarie sempre gentili e disponibili.. ai medici competenti e ai fisioterapisti, umani sempre pronti e disponibili ad aiutarti anche moralmente. Grazie !Consigliatissimo.

Massimo Fralleone: Sto effettuando un ciclo di fisioterapia presso la struttura, mi trovo benissimo, ottimo personale medico, la fisioterapista Elisa è molto competente e dimostra grande esperienza nel suo campo.Grande la sig.ra Brini Annarita che con tenacia ed esperienza è riuscita a bonificare la mia pratica con PREVIMEDICAL che non era partita con il piede giusto.

Stefano Aliberti: A seguito di uno strappo muscolare ho dovuto effettuare alcune terapie presso la struttura Fisiomedical Caravaggio. Mi sono trovato molto bene, lo staff è professionale e molto preparato, sono sempre molto cordiali e pronti a strapparti un sorriso quando hai la sensazione che il recupero sia lento.Un ringraziamento particolare alla dottoressa Ciavarelli Elisa e ad AnnaRita Brini del desk. Assolutamente da provare.

Mattia Mauriello: Sono anni che oramai mi rivolgo a questa struttura per varie riabilitazioni, ho avuto sempre un ottimo riscontro e tempi di miglioramento rapidi, nello specifico mi sono sempre affidato alla fisioterapista Arianna che con estrema professionalità è riuscita ad inquadrare subito le problematiche risolvendole spiegandomi sempre tutto dettagliatamente, consigliatissima.

Franco Degni: Pratico sport attivo con assiduità, per cui mi capitano purtroppo spesso degli infortuni, muscolari o traumatici, più o meno critici, la mia salvezza è sempre Fisiomedical Caravaggio.Tutto il personale è altamente professionale, dall’accettazione ai medici specialisti ed ai fisioterapisti. Attualmente, causa intervento chirurgico al malleolo, devo ringraziare in modo particolare Francesca Conte che mi ha aiutato a recuperare prima del previsto la capacità motoria, supportandomi anche moralmente nei momenti iniziali di sconforto post operatorio.Consiglio a tutti di rivolgersi con fiducia a questa eccellente struttura.Franco Degni

Daniele Giannini: Ho svolto due cicli di fisioterapia per una distorsione alla spalla oltre che diverse visite, ho trovato un centro competente, mi hanno supportato nella gestione della pratica e Arianna è stata una salvezza per la mia spalla. Consigliatissimo!

Lucilla Dello Russo: Sono stata trattata da Francesca Conte, una delle fisioterapiste del centro, e sono soddisfattissima! Oltre l'eccezionale competenza ho riscontrato assolute cortesia e disponibilità. Grazie!

Ale Gi: Avevo un forte  dolore al ginocchio, costante, che mi impediva di dormire senza antidolorifici, sindrome della plica mediale, unica soluzione operarsi. Prima di intervenire ho voluto provare un ciclo di agopuntura. Ho trovato nel dott Bianco un medico umano, competente, serio. Dopo poche sedute sono riuscita a dormire bene, senza farmaci, con conseguente miglioramento del tono dell'umore e di tutte le funzioni dell'organismo Grazie infinite.

Elida Di Gennaro: Sto curando i miei problemi cervicali scoperti da poco con la RMN grazie al dott. Gianluca Bianco: mi sta praticando ozonoterapia ed agopuntura e già avverto grossi miglioramenti nella mobilità del collo e netta riduzione delle vertigini, del dolore e addirittura sulla pressione arteriosa che si sta normalizzando.Consiglio a tutti questo centro, competenza e professionalità sono le loro armi vincenti

Andrea Palma: Con l'aiuto di Fisiomedical Caravaggio sto finalmente risolvendo i problemi alla cervicale che mi "accompagnano" ormai da diversi mesi. Ringrazio anzitutto il dott. Monaco e poi la sempre sorridente fisioterapista Arianna per la sua professionalità disponibilità pazienza e gentilezza. Grazie anche alle signore della segreteria sempre molto gentili. Andrea

Germana: Thanks to Dr. Gianluca Bianco, an extremely competent person, with ozone therapy and acupuncture I have solved my cervicobrachialgia problems which I have been suffering from for many years. Already from the second session I noticed great benefits. Highly recommended to those who suffer from my own pathologies and to those like me who have tried them all.

Barbara Giovanetti: Mio figlio di otto anni é paziente della dottoressa Roberta Cesarini e non posso che farle i miei complimenti per come sta affrontando la terapia. In pochissimo tempo stiamo superando piccoli e grandi problemi. Il bambino va sempre volentieri alle sedute e di settimana in settimana fa enormi progressi sia sull'aspetto posturale che per i problemi miofunzionali. Ormai per noi é un punto di riferimento!!

Placido Filippucci: Con ozono ed agopuntura ho risolto i miei problemi grazie al Dr. Gianluca Bianco.

Massimo Paludet: Ho portato mia figlia adolescente in questo centro per dolore pelvico cronico. Dopo anni di sofferenza ha finalmente iniziato ad avere una vita normale grazie all'ausilio dell'agopuntura. Il Dottor Bianco non è solo un medico altamente qualificato ma ha veramente a cuore le problematiche dei suoi pazienti, riuscendo ad instaurare un rapporto di fiducia anche con i più piccoli di loro. Lo consiglio a tutte le mamme!!!! Grazie Dottor Bianco per il risultato ottenuto.............anche da parte di mia figlia che ha ricominciato a sorridere!

4. Dott.ssa Federica Quintarelli - Municipio Roma I

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Via Muzio Clementi, 00193 Roma RM, Italy

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Dott.ssa Federica Quintarelli: what do users think?

Giovanni Antonangeli: Professionalism and competence

FattiMail Solidarietàinrete: It wasn't one of my landmarks. And I would not have considered it to solve a problem. Because, perhaps, I didn't consider her capable of acting beyond a sort of suggestion that can soothe but certainly not heal any ailment or pathology.Then four years ago a cerebral hemorrhage arrived and with it, in addition to the hemiplegia of the left side of the body, also a neurological / neuropathic pain that torments me 24 hours a day.Difficult to explain this kind of pain that is closer to pains such as burns, paresthesias, stinging, spasms than what is commonly referred to as "pain".I didn't want to take psychiatric drugs and this didn't make it possible to get rid of them.Living with such extensive and invasive pain is wearing. Tired. It takes away energy. Permanent pain is like a weight, which we carry on ourselves, and which makes every step slower and more tiring.Having less energy available means having less freedom of choice. Do I do this or do I do that? Because certainly more things cannot be done.In the last visit before the summer, the neurologist who is following me advised me to try acupuncture.I accepted. After all, I said to myself, I have nothing to lose.I was lucky enough to cross paths with Dr. Federica Quintarelli.From the very first interview, I had the feeling that I had a chance in front of me.From the very first interview I received a listening, an attention, an out of the ordinary welcome.I started acupuncture, with absolute detachment, seasoned only with a pinch of hope that it could, in some way, soothe the pain or reduce its intensity, even just a little.Session after session I realized that those needles, apparently so static, moved something profound and put new energies into circulation.My pain remained so but my life has changed, definitely for the better.If you live with a constant dragging of 30 kg weight, and you are without muscles, you risk having to stand still, even if your legs are able to move. But that same weight, carried by someone with developed and trained muscles, doesn't prevent any movement, it just makes it a little more challenging.My energies multiply from session to session, and this, on a practical level, translates into a life with more freedom of choice and actionFederica is very good at picking up every smallest variation or need and translating it into adequate therapy.Acupuncture is for me today like one of those happy thoughts that helped Peter Pan fly.It happens … that life denies us.Knowing Dr. Federica Quintarelli is the way that life has chosen for me!Thanks Federica and … thanks to life!gaia hopes

Gianmarco Furiassi: I went to Dr. Quintarelli for a food intolerance problem with the consequent appearance of acne on my face. The doctor, after having also listened to my considerations, proceeded to prescribe me a targeted diet, providing me with precious indications and knowledge so as to be able to orient myself on food in general. Thanks to the doctor I got excellent results and the acne finally disappeared after a long time. Furthermore, she has always made herself available to clarify any doubts.

Matteo Cona: The diet that Dr. Federica gave me is the only one in many years that has worked, because it was balanced on me, my habits and not just on my body. Furthermore, Federica is an exceptional person, endowed with great sensitivity and professionalism. Through word of mouth I have referred several friends to her for both diet and acupuncture treatments and they have all been enthusiastic.

Katherina Revenga: As soon as you enter Dr. Quintarelli Studio, you feel a sense of peace and wellbeing. Opposite to traditional doctors, she listens to you and your body as a whole. I have been followed by her for over 5 years with my Nutrition and Acupuncture to treat several issues: from tendinitis, insomnia, high blood sugar… being positively surprised with the results time after time. I would 1000% recommend her.

alessandra amigoni: One thing is certain: Dr. Quintarelli fixes you.First of all listen to you.He does it with his eyes, with his head, with his heartand ears too. Finally with the needles.And everything that went wrong finally comes right.

Rana Rahme: Dr. Quintarelli made me discover acupuncture and it's benefits! She is very professional and explains everything in a very clear and simple way. She also gave me a diet to follow specific for my needs and adapted it when my needs changed. I highly recommend her!

Francesca Amicucci: I can never thank Federica enough for helping me solve crippling stomach problems and other problems and for teaching me how to eat correctly and healthily. For a year now he has been following me with constancy, love, care, dedication and extreme professionalism!

Ludovica Balestra: I met the doctor and I have never stopped adoring her, she has an important wealth of experience, she manages to solve all problems, I didn't have a few, she is pretty, sweet, she knows how to listen and immediately understand the problem. If you need a doctor with a big M, you are the right place.Thanks again Dr

Alessandra Falcone: Dr. Federica Quintarelli is an extraordinary woman regardless of her undisputed professional preparation. He possesses qualities of rare sensitivity, clinical intuition and a personality that enchants with his grace, his calm and inner serenity that he immediately, and for me inexplicably, manages to transfer to his patients. This can't be easy... Thank you for your constant effort and congratulations on your successes ❤️

Shirin Ahmad Sherbafi: The best nutritionist ever! What a blessing to have discovered it! Always available and patient.

Giulia Pauselli: The best nutritionist I've ever met!It will be impossible not to adore her.Sensitive, attentive, competent and always present.Happy to be your patient.

Serena Muzio: and cupping. Thanks Faith! ♥️

rachele cirri: Federica is helping me get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, after 6 years of being told by "great professionals" that I had to resign, she has come my way. Serious professional and never judgmental, I recommend her to all those who want to take care of themselves.

Ida Proietti: There are special people who sometimes meet in life, Federica was one of them for me. The listening and empathy she has make you feel at home from the first moment and it is thanks to this that I was able to establish a relationship of trust with her right away. With great respect and love he practices his work and all this feels very much, everything happens naturally in his studio ... it is precious !!!

Gabriella Dalla Chiesa: and together we began a wonderful journey of trust and complicity. Acupuncture and its nutritional indications have helped me since the first week and I can't do without it anymore. Federica is a fixed appointment. A moment for me and my feeling good. Federica has an endless delicacy and manages to accompany me in difficult moments even since I returned to live away from Rome. She is always available and ready to listen, a precious doctor whom I highly recommend.

Valeria Valentini: I met Dr. Federica in April of last year…. And what can I say for me it was and is my lifeline .. it taught me to listen to myself and to understand myself and how my energy moves within me … within each one of us! I came to her full of confidence and in a few months she made possible everything I thought was unattainable. Professional, humane, always ready to listen to you even when it's a holiday and it couldn't! She is just gorgeous and loves what she does. I am happy to have met her .❤️❤️❤️. I recommend it to everyone!

Rossella Costa: Finally a doctor who listens to the patient! Dr. Quintarelli is a young, competent doctor who is also very attentive to the psychological aspect of the subject. I had a disorder that no specialist believed or paid attention to, all respected professionals full of themselves, imbued with their own certainties, who treat people like a mathematical equation.Dr. Quintarelli welcomed me with professionalism, competence, sweetness, delicacy and by taking care of the body, inexplicably, I realized that she also took care of the soul. Thank you!

Giorgio Marinacci: Dr. Quintarelli is truly a special sweet and empathetic person, able to get in tune with the patient, attentive and scrupulous, she dedicated a lot of time to meafter various negative experiences with doctors, it was a while that I didn't want to try againinstead I left his studio happy and very relaxed, even from acupunctureabsolutely recommend to everyone, especially to those who want to be seen as a person in its entirety and not as a symptommany thanks again to the doctor

Flaminia Santoro: Dr. Quintarelli as well as being a very good professional is very sweet, attentive and caring. His studio exudes peace and positivity! I am celiac and no one before her had taught me to follow a diet, not only gluten-free, but with many other foods to experiment with and which also makes me feel and be fit!I'm really grateful to have known her, the trust is total.

5. Osteopata e Fisioterapista a Roma - Dott. Emanuele Luciani - Ostiense

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Via Luigi Perna, 51, 00142 Roma RM, Italy

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Osteopata e Fisioterapista a Roma - Dott. Emanuele Luciani: what do users think?

Emilie Filion: I o ly have good words for Dr Luciani. He was very responsive and was able to get to my place on a Sunday with only few hours notice. He understood my condition and was able to fix the problem. The same night I slept like a baby and the days after my body did not hurt at all, everything was solved! Grazie mólto Dr Luciani!

Holger Windfuhr: Dr. Luciani was fantastic. He went far out his way to make house calls to help me in an acute situation. He took all the time necessary to make adjustments. Even though I have visited several Osteopaths over the years, Dr. Luciani gave me new knowledge on how to care for my back going forward. The aftercare - sending me a custom stretching routine - shows how much he cares for the well-being of his patients. He saved the rest of our vacation - and helped me going forward managing my back issues. I can‘t recommend him highly enough. I wish he had an office in my home town!

pietro d. perrone: Professionista e molto gentile. Mi ha fissato il primo incontro subito e mi ha rimesso in sesto con soli 3 appuntamenti. Lo consiglio sinceramente

Marcello Izzo: Avevo un problema al collo con una sola seduto e esercizzi mirati o risolto il problema

Lia Ammaturo: Buongiorno ottimo professionista gentile e umano

massimo baia: Professionale, compentente e molto cordiale.Mi sono recato dal Dott. Luciani per un problema cervicale, risolto rapidamente.Grazie ancora Dottore.

luisa di basilio: Professionale, competente e disponibilissimo.Io ho richiesto un appuntamento e sono stata ricevuta lo stesso giorno.Lo consiglierei a chiunque ne abbia bisogno.

Jodie Santoro: Professionalità e gentilezza al primo posto,eccellente davvero.Mi sono recata dal dottor Luciani Emanuele e fin da subito mi ha messo a proprio agio capendo quale fosse precisamente il mio problema.Mi ha delucidato su ciò che mi andava a fare e fin dalla prima visita mi sono sentita meglio.Lo consiglierei a chiunque perché è davvero competente e cordiale, cosa ormai difficile nel suo settore.

Aggelika Iglezi: Great professional with great results on my problem. Unique in his work!

Aidai ka: I have visited Dr.Emmanuel while visiting Rome. As a tourist I also had to google the doctors and found him based on positive reviews that other patients shared. He was extremely attentive, competent in handling my acute spinal issue, so I had an immediate relief to the pain. He also recommended making additional test for another issue, which proved to be a good and timely advice. He is amazingly humane doctor, he makes follow up calls after the treatment , which is extraordinary for doctors. I work mostly in the field where there may be a lack of health care. He has made himself available to all my urgent health related questions by recommending solutions. He is a doctor who is genuinely interested in the well being of his patients even if you may have attended just one session. A gem in the health care industry, which is normally full of doctors who will not give time and attention beyond the billed time. Thank you Doctor for all your help!

leo barca: Excellent doctor. I had a shoulder problem that was bothering me for months and within two appointments the problem was gone.

alexis kalamaras: For three months I had a problem with my back. I did physical therapy, currents, isometric exercises and whatever else the doctors suggested, but I had no results.Within one session with Dr. Emanuele the pain in my back was gone and I was back to 100%Thank you, doctor, for giving me back my everyday life.

Chiara Di Giacinto: Great professionalism.For years my family and I have done and continue to do various treatments from him. Precise, punctual and very good at his work.I recommend with full marks!

Tkn 23: Affidabilità e professionalità al 100% ho chiamato il Dott. Emanuele Luciani ieri mattina per uno strappo alla schiena in pochissimo tempo lo ho raggiunto e individuato subito il problema mi ha rimesso a nuovo consiglio vivamente a tutti

Valentina Fulgoni: Dalla mia esperienza posso affermare che il dottor Emanuele Luciani lavora con grande empatia e professionalità ed è raro trovare un dottore che abbia un' alta competenza e nello stesso tempo farti sentire a tuo agio. Lo consiglierei a tutti!

Dario Di Carlo: Professionista serio e competente, super consigliato.

6. S.I.M.O.H. Scuola Italiana di Medicina Omeopatica Hahnemanniana Onlus - Ostiense

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· 28 reviews

Via Giovanni Miani, 8, 00154 Roma RM, Italy

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S.I.M.O.H. Scuola Italiana di Medicina Omeopatica Hahnemanniana Onlus: what do users think?

Micol: Medici molto molto preparati, capaci e sempre disponibili. Un centro di eccellenza per l'omeopatia.

Paola M: In cura da loro da oltre 10 anni. Professionali, sempre presenti, dedicati al paziente, concepito come unione di corpo e mente. Efficaci nella cura e nella prevenzione. Consiglio vivamente

Marghe P: Luogo e personale eccezionale professionale e se conosci o non conosci l'omeopatia questo è il posto giusto

Tizi ana: Medici preparati e molto professionali

Mauro Pepe: Il centro che vi consiglio di tener in mente nel caso aveste necessità di un supporto medico

Ida Ametta: Medici molto validi e scrupolosi che,dopo un'attenta osservazione e anamnesi individuale, aiutano a curarsi con farmaci omeopatici .

7. Antismoking Roma - Municipio Roma VII

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Via Appia Nuova, 251, 00182 Roma RM, Italy

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Antismoking Roma: what do users think?

Stefano Rosati: Basta un solo numero 23 sono gli anni che ho smesso di fumare grazie a questo centro e soprattutto grazie a Cristian

8. Zem Yoga Studio Roma - Municipio Roma I

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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 184, 00186 Roma RM, Italy

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Zem Yoga Studio Roma: what do users think?

Marco Waldis: Unique place in the center of Rome, very professional and refined. Very good energy, very international, most of the classes are in English and full of foreigners. Cool!

Natalie Edwards: I have been doing yoga at Zem since a friend introduced me to the studio in 2018. As an expat, it has provided a warm, welcoming community and the yoga classes have improved my strength and balance. It’s wonderful to see the mix of students and instructors — American, Italian, Australian, British, Dutch… Somehow, the classes strike a balance between offering both rigorous and restorative exercise. A big thank you is also owed to Amity and the Zem instructors for offering classes during the pandemic and Italy’s many lockdowns, helping keep us all sane during the weeks and months when we couldn’t leave our houses. Highly recommended.

Lana: I enjoyed challenging and enjoyable vinyasa class instructed by Amity, who gave really good cues and made it fun too. The environment is really friendly and welcoming.

Karen Martin Sanchez: Great yoga studio with amazing teachers. Atmosphere is so warm and welcoming. If you are in Rome and craving for an extraordinary yoga experience this is the place!

Kathinka L: I’ve been going to Zem regularly since 2016 and I'm so thankful it has seen me through my years in Rome. The teachers are absolutely fantastic, they normally ask the students if there's anything they would like to work on at the beginning of the class, and the way they incorporate those suggestions into the most beautiful flows is really amazing to watch. They're also incredibly warm with super uplifting and positive energy, and the support they gave to the yoga community in Rome during the pandemic is a testament to what wonderful and dedicated people they are. The customer service is also great. The international atmosphere at the studio has made me feel at home in a city where not a lot of things are in English and I couldn't recommend it more to beginners and advanced yogis alike. I've brought lots of my friends here and recommend it to everyone!

Lauren H.: This is a FABULOUS studio. I practiced at zem three of the five days we were in Rome with a different teacher each time. They were all spectacular. Where they were the same was in the strength of their individual practices and, more importantly, in their abilities to instruct. Clearly dissected poses, imaginative flows, helpful suggestions and adjustments. Having practiced in many studios in the States and abroad, zem has been a standout. I look forward to returning to Rome and to zem. 🙏🏼

Chris Root: What an amazing place with amazing people! Thank you for making me feel like I was at home with you. I can’t wait to come back for hot yoga.

Elizabeth W: Highly recommend to anyone looking to get into yoga and expand your abilities!

John: High-quality, welcoming studio with great instructors. Classes in english. Highly recommended

Katya Komarova: loved the vinyasa class with Laura. Thank you 🙏

Dalila Salhi: Wonderful studio, clean, and great classes !

Manon Pietra: Lovely, light, clean and friendly studio in the heart of Rome. We took a class with Ricardo who was a wonderful teacher.

Steve Double: Nice little studio with English speaking staff and instructors. More geared towards the ‘fitness’, modern interpretation of yoga but if that’s what you’re after then you shouldn’t go wrong here.

Chiara Leto: Friendly and professional staff. lovely studio in the heart of Rome 💜🌈☀️

9. ARTOI Associazione Ricerca Terapie Oncologiche Integrate - Municipio Roma XIII

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Via Ludovico Micara, 73, 00165 Roma RM, Italy

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ARTOI Associazione Ricerca Terapie Oncologiche Integrate: what do users think?

Dani Me: Dottor Bonucci è il top

10. S.T.V. Societa' Per La Tutela Della Visione Arl - Municipio Roma VII

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Via Quintilio Varo, 115/119, 00174 Roma RM, Italy

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11. MedinAction - Municipio Roma I

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V.le delle Mura Gianicolensi, 67, 00152 Roma RM, Italy

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MedinAction: what do users think?

Micheal O: In the support I received from Dr. Andreas team i have been extremely impressed. I am a medical doctor and I have unfortunately had many personal medical experiences in the course of my work and I have never come across such a professional and compassionate team. I strongly recommend them for care and treatment and I am reassured to know that in the future if i am in need of medical care I will be turning to them for support.

Camille Beydon: Great service, we saw Dr Cianci 3 times as well as 2 other doctors, they were all punctual and very helpful. I will not hesitate to call them again if need be.

Derek Arthur: A truly great service and team that are on call and answer any question, any time of day. Dr Andrea and his team have provided great care during my time living in Rome. Whether it was at home covid testing, referrals to the ER for appendix removal, or general check ups, Dr Andrea and team made it all happen and assisted greatly in navigating the local healthcare system.Highly recommend for any ex-pat or local looking for multi-lingual mobile doctor!

Marcus McLain: Very helpful. I had been sick during my stay and Doctor Yasmine was very helpful and always responded to my concerns.

Maggie Ethridge: Dr. Guerriero is professional, efficient, and amazing! Every experience with him has been pleasant.

sandy westlake: MedinAction is so much more than a convenient medical service. Their doctors are highly skilled and always ready to address your questions and needs, day or night--which is a good thing, right? However, this team goes above and beyond to make you feel cared for, listened to and respected. Whenever I talk about their services with friends, I am always taken by the fondness and trust people place happily in their hands--you are not a number with this team. You won't find better patient care anywhere else. Call them and see for yourself. You won't regret it!

Lara Akozer: Dr. Andrea Guerriero was amazing doctor and an extremely helpful. He immediately attended to my needs and gave very good medical advice and care. He came immediately when I contacted him and was very efficient. I recommend him to anyone who needs medical assistance.

Nadezda Amaya: and Dr. Andrea Guerreiro for their exceptional medical services, which are particularly beneficial for expats who do not speak Italian. Their team displays professionalism and genuine care, coordinating seamless medical appointments. MedinAction goes beyond expectations by connecting patients with outstanding specialists. Trust MedinAction for a personalized approach to your healthcare needs, ensuring top-notch expertise from Dr. Andrea Guerreiro and the entire team. Visit their website for exceptional medical services that surpass expectations, catering to expats who may require assistance in navigating healthcare in a foreign language.

Sai Li: My experience with Doctor Andrea was extremely smooth. He is very professional, helpful and kind. 200% recommend!!!

Sylvie Buendia: We had so far only excellent experience with MedinAction in Rome. Dr. Matteo and Dr. Manuel are very professional pediatricians and adorable with children. We live in Rome for 6 years and had a few house calls and all of them have been outstanding. For a family from a foreign country it is reassuring to know that Medin Action Doctors are reliable and have high medical skills. We are greatful for them and Thank them for their kind and immediate response always, for well diagnosing our children and providing the right therapy. We recommend this medical service to every family.

Petula Almond: Dr Andreas has been our family Doctor for 8+ years. He has been there to support us with any health issues for our whole family and given us referrals to the perfect doctors. For our children Dr Matteo was always 100% committed to providing us with the best attention and amazing follow up. When our son sprained both his wrists snow boarding Dr Piperno was amazing too.Thank you to the entire team and I wish you the best and keep on delivering this amazing service. I hope to find the same in Paris.Ciao a tutti.Cordialmente,Adriana and family

Jake Jordan: Dr. Yasmine was excellent and very responsive and helpful!

Maribel González Barraza: Always very happy with the overall efficiency of MedinAction! They are great really. A special thanks to our now favorite pediatrician, Dr Matteo Cianci, who has been great at diagnosing my children, providing the right therapy, and following up on how they are doing. We are truly happy with the service, which we always recommend.

Xuechan Ma: Doctor Andrea Guerriero is very responsive, kind, professional and knowledgeable. Highly recommended!

Feras Al-Sayegh: Professional and expert recommendations and advise by highly qualified medical practitioners. Highly recommended, in addition, if you do not speak Italian language they can assist in English.

marty farren: Doctor Andrea is amazing. He is extremely professional and very kind. He has excellent English and replies immediately when you write to him. He provides a first class service and is really attentive to your needs. Living in Rome, he is an amazing doctor to have and provides the best care to his patients. He will make sure you are looked after and also checks up on you after to make sure everything is ok. I highly recommend him.

Ria S: I was struggling with a health problem for many weeks and other medical professionals I visited did not know what was afflicting me. Dr Andrea was exceptional and he made sure a range of tests were done to understand the root cause of the issue. He consistently followed up and kept in touch to check things were better. Thanks to him I am improving! Great work. Very client oriented and responsive.

MG B: As a study abroad student, I got the flu within 3 days of being in Rome and I contacted Dr Andrea who was very quick to respond. His colleague Dr Mor, came to see me the next morning and was incredibly helpful. She prescribed me with all of the medicine I needed and was so kind and made me feel very comfortable. It is now day 5 of me being here and I am starting to feel better already! 10/10 recommend!!

Meghan Doherty: Dr. Andrea was so helpful and went out of his way to make time in his schedule to help me when I was sick multiple times. He made me feel safe and comfortable to travel in case of sickness. Would recommend his services if you are thinking of traveling or want at home health care!

12. Istituto Superiore per le Industrie Artistiche Roma - Municipio Roma I

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Piazza della Maddalena, 53, 00186 Roma RM, Italy

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Istituto Superiore per le Industrie Artistiche Roma: what do users think?

BELINDA PAGAN: Sede dell'Istituto superiore per industrie artistiche, ampia serie storica nei pressi del Pantheon si distingue per l'ampia metratura l'edificio storico dalle grandi scalinate che portano al primo piano dove nei corridoi interni sono esposti alcuni dei progetti ed elaborati, vi sono varie aule didattiche, la segreteria, una sala proiezioni. Al secondo piano ci sono i laboratori. In questo Istituto viene insegnato l'industrial design ci sono corsi tre anni + due. La frequenza è obbligatoria, il diploma di laurea è parificato.

Alejandro Ropero Hidalgo: nice facade

Rosanna Castangia: Bello

13. John Cabot University Guarini Campus - Municipio Roma I

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Via della Lungara, 233, 00165 Roma RM, Italy

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John Cabot University Guarini Campus: what do users think?

Yanelisa Bella Maqubela: The best!!!

Lucrezia Arena: I loved my experience at John Cabot as it gave me a practical and international point of view that I did not have before, and that will be extremely useful for my future career. Also, thanks to the multiple group projects, I was also able to develop strong teamwork and leadership skills.In just a few words I find that John Cabot’s method, international environment and community are what really made me enjoy my years as a student.

Matilde Lalli: I have spent 2 semesters in jcu and as of right now I’ve been quite satisfied. I especially liked how the university cares for its students and it’s ready to help when needed.

cole griffeth: Great food, great teachers, great staff, all in a great city. Didn’t know what to expect but it exceeded whatever I thought!

Kellie Krohn: John Cabot University made my semester abroad experience unforgettable. The facilities are beautiful and every staff working is so friendly, but the real highlight was how well they helped students to navigate our time here abroad in order to have the most enriching learning experience possible. I also can’t leave this review without talking about how safe they make students here feel with constant security in all buildings and ID card admittance. Grateful for the opportunity to study here for a semester!

Malia Sanchez: JCU provides the opportunity for an American education abroad. The degree seeking student body is incredibly diverse and students have the chance to learn about more then just Italian culture. You can explore the city through the onsite classes. There is nowhere else I'd want to earn my history degree

Abdulfatah Alfandi: .Three things I will remember about my time at JCU:1. my RA job experience2. the student clubs3. friendly and supportive professors and staff

Marco D'Alfonso: Ho iniziato il master da 3 mesi e ogni giorno che entro ho sempre un gran sorriso. Gran bella esperienza.

angela caruccio: Esperienza bellissima. Corsi pratici e insegnanti super preparati

14. University of Rome "Tor Vergata" - Municipio Roma VI

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Via Cracovia, 50, 00133 Roma RM, Italy

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University of Rome "Tor Vergata": what do users think?

Pietro Condró: Grande università molto seria

Edmund Husserl: Good.

Ipazia.21 Nard: Prof. Orazio SCHILLACI, I address you, as a noble Person in charge of HEALTHCARE, I am sure that you will want to come to the aid of the ELDERLY who find themselves in a situation of profound difficulty.These are the facts:● many Family DOCTORS have been EXCLUDED from the list at the USL for "reaching age limits, leaving ASSISTANCE DISCOVERED a congruous number of Elderly.● This involves incurring HUGE EXPENSES for the purchase of EXPENSIVE Medicines.I am speaking, in particular, of LIFESAVER. Among these those based on BUTANOL which allow those with a serious asthmatic pathology to BREATHE by sucking up a "powder" contained in the very expensive DISKUS. HOW is it possible to blow up the coverage of Doctors to Citizens without warning?CURRENT SITUATION:Elderly people go to the USL providing a REPLACEMENT Name.The answer: "It's full"! It comes back with more Names: "All full, look for others.." And so in endless succession.Who allows you to create situations that seem unsolvable?Was it not foreseeable TO INSERT NEW Doctors for those who left a Vacancy?Now Prof. Orazio SCHILLACI I ask you the question:●How is it possible that a 70/80 year old PEREGRINI from home to USL for having assigned a family doctor?Is it possible to feel "abandoned" by a hasty and non-cooperative employee who perceives a "comic side" in the situation?● How can we now cope with the EXPENSES that affect elderly people without a family and live on a modest pension? Is it required to set aside the Talloncini with the COD to then have them REFUNDED?Prof. Oriano SCHILLACI take this absurd situation to heart.In the past, the Doctor was asked if he accepted the New Name and if he answered in the affirmative, he went to the USL to communicate it.I would really like your quick solutionPROFESSOR, while I offer you my best regards with all Cordiality.

Massimiliano Andrea Moscatelli: Great

Aldo Cristofanelli: Competent and highly trained professionals and staff. I think it is an excellence of public health. I thank everyone for their availability, preparation and courtesy.

Silvia Marinelli: Efficiency campus structure with an international vision, excellent programs excellent teachers.

15. Aletheia srl - Rignano Flaminio

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Via Flaminia, 6Q, 00068 Rignano Flaminio RM, Italy

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